Motorola Moto G100 Price in Pakistan
Motorola Moto G100 Specificaton
So it's been a pretty busy week forsmartphone launches but of course theweek would not be complete without afresh new blower from our great matesmotorola and this week they have giftedus with the motog100 as the back of the box quiterightly points out the most powerfulmoto g ever and speaking of which youmay have noticed it's quite a big box asfar as smartphones go and that's becausethe moto g100 comes bundled with thisheredock which allows you to connect it upto any supported tv or displayin order to use it as a makeshiftcomputer kind of similar to samsungdecksso without further adieu let's whip themoto g100 out of its freaking enormousbox take you on a full on tour of thehardware and the software and test outthat dockas well and for more than the latest andgreatest tech please do poke subscribeand take that notifications bellcheers looks like we've got lots oflittle boxesinside of this big box come on out youbuggersand what we've got inside is one motog100 thankfully you've also got theready for dock and the ready for cableokay so in the phone box we've got ofcourse the moto g100 i've got a readmeguide and you've also usefully gotinstructions and a qr code for gettingall set up with that ready fordock you've also got one adapter andsome type cusb action and it's great to see thatmotorola as always has pre-clad the motog100 and a nifty condom case just tohelp protect itof course we want to check out thatdesign in its raw naked glory so i'll bewhipping that off of course if you'regoing to be using the moto g100 fulltime you might want to keep thatprotectivecover on because it is formed of plasticasusual so it can get scratched up rathereasily and that back end certainly feelsplasticky albeit with a sort of texturedfinish to it so hopefully that shouldhelp to repel scuffs and greasy printsand other muckat least motorola's made a bit of aneffort with the design this is theiridescent oceanversion otherwise you can also grab itin iridescent skyso hope you're a fan of iridescence it'skind of strangely soothing the softglowing effect the way that the colorsand the lights change as you tiltthe handset it's kind of got thatnorthern light style vibe to it i evenquite likesome of the bright blue highlighting onsome of the camera lenses here on theback although i can see that very muchbeing a love it or hate it style effectas for the rest of the design while themoto g 100 rocks and plastic engine aswell and an edge-mounted fingerprintsensor which is housedreally high up this right side of thesmartphone that's going to be a bit of areach forpeople with stumpy fingers like me anduh-oh it looks like on the other sideyou've got a dedicatedgoogle assistant button as usual but onthe plus side you also get a bit ofheadphone jack i'll tell you what though207 grams the moto g100 is a properheifer that's definitely got someseriousweight to it uh but in better news it'salso splash resistant so no worriesif you get a little bit moist out in atypical ukspringtime bit of rain now let's rip offthis wii burger and actually get themotor g100 all set upand ready for action oh here it comeslove it i'm just going to quickly seewhat the sim situationas well hopefully we've got a dual simsetup as usualyes indeed we do you can either sticktwo sims in side by side otherwise thatsecond sim slot can also be used tohouse micro sd memory cards up to oneterabyte in sizeokay that moto g100 she is all set upandready to rock and it'll be no surprisewhatsoever to moderate the smartphonefans that it's basically a bit of stockandroid 11 slathered on thereno clunky uis or launchers uh on top ofthatso certainly good news for anyone wholikes just a clean bit of android actionthat's not the same mode roller hasn'tadded anything at all though because youdo have the model experiences out whichdoes actually have some prettynifty bonus bits chucked on there forinstance you've got fast access to someof android's customization features justto change up the generaltheme and as you can see there withdifferent colors and fonts one of thebest additions in here is the gesturesupport as well you've got loads ofgreat stuff packed in herethis serves up all the usual stuff likeraise to wake which combines reallynicely with theface unlock feature which is not thenippiest around but it does the joband you've also got that nifty swipe tosplit as well which is a quick and easyway of getting it into yourtwo app multitasking mode you've alsogot all classics like that double wristtwist to load up the camera app whichlet me tell youused to be a lot easier when i wasyounger before my wrists got all old andknackeredjust a spot of arthritis kitties that'sall and my personal favorite the doublekarate chopin order to launch up the torch you'vealso got some nifty tips and tricks inhere in case you're new to motorolasmartphones or android in generalgot a couple of display bits and thengamers you've also got the excellentgame time feature as well more on thisbad boy in a bit and besides thatfreshness it's basically just yourstandard android experience with all ofthe usualfeatures on board as well as the storageguys you've got 128 gigs on there andit's ufs3.1 as well so nice and nippy and uhwould you looki've still got the bloody torch on aswell let's turn that off as for thedisplay here on the mortalg100 where you get 6.7 inch ips it's anabsolutebeast and sadly ips not all lead unlikesome rivals like the poco f3colors are still sort of reasonablypunching you get respectable contrastyou've got it's your 10 support on heresadly no it's your support whenstreaming in netflix right now buthopefully that will comethe full hd plus resolution 25 20 by1080 helps to keep images pretty sharpwhen you're streaming ultra high defcontent i get some nice fine detaildespite the size of this bloody paneland it is a 21 by nine stretched aspectratioas well so the same as sony's cinemawide displays perfectwhen you're streaming a good bit ofmovie action that supports that 21x9aspectunfortunately however not quite so wellsuited to all the content in that moreboxy aspect ratio you'll get some bigfat wide pillar box on either side asfor the bezels surrounding that displaywell they're pretty standard for a sortof budgetysmart for not particularly chunky notparticularly slimeither we do get that double selfieorificewhich does intrude a fair bit on theaction when you go full screenwhich is not great you can play aroundwith the display settings to a certaindegree those colors come as saturatedby default as i say not quite as poppyas you would get on a proper dedicatedoled displayhowever one thing that you can messaround with is the display refresh ratewhich is set to auto by default so itcan flip between 60 and 90 based on whatyou're actually up tootherwise you can stick it up to 90hertz full time as for your audiosuddenly it's not a stereo speaker setuphere on the motorola moto g100 just uhthe single model speakeruh bottom firing there let's boost upthe volume see what we gotthis white model is undeniably charmingwith a soft touch finish that gives agreat hand feelso to speak and yeah i tell you whatit's not a stereo speaker setup but thatsinglespeaker does put out quite a punchy bitof audio on that top volume it's niceand loud so you shouldn't have anyproblemlistening to what's going on in a prettyraucous environment you do have aheadphone jack down below so you can geta wide connection on the go otherwisebluetooth 5.1 support complete with allof the usual audio effect shenanigansnow one of the areas where the motorolamoto g100 really sets itself apart fromother moto g handsets is the fact thatyou've got the snapdragon 870 chipsetbunged in here and if we just dive oninto geekbench you'll seethat that means very good returns indeedand if you don't know that snapdragon870 chipset is basically an even beefierversion of one of the most powerfulplatforms that poweredtop-end flagship smartphones from lastyear and here on the moto g100 that'spacked by eight gigs of ddr5 rams andcertainly everyday performance is anabsolute breezeand even if you want to do a bit ofgaming as well the likes of gentianimpact bump that up to the highestdetail settings that maximum frame rate60 fpsand you will see the occasional littlefluctuation when things get a little bitcrazybut overall it remains very veryplayable indeed i certainly had nocomplaints it was definitely smoothenough to keep it on that highest detailsetting without having toworry about bumping it back down againand then of course you've got thatmortal game timetoolset which i talked about earlier aswell that helps to block notificationsyou can record your gameplay all kindsof stuff with thatand it's certainly good news on theconnectivity front because you've gotsupport for some six5g and a bit of wi-fi six action inthere too no real worries on the batterytech either you've gotfive 000 milliamp capacity batterystuffed inside the moto g100 so prettystandard for a moto g seriessmartphone should keep you going all daylong even with fairly intensive use aslong as youdon't be smashing that gention too hardhowever it is just motorola'sturbo power 20 uh fast charge on here aswell as a 20 watt chargingpretty slow compared with a lot ofbudget rivals which tends to be hittingat least that sort of 33 watt mark atthe moment butyou know what if he's gonna be pluggingin for a couple of hours doesn't reallymatter and last up before we checkout the very funky dock action let'shave a look at the moto g100camera tech the primary camera sensor isa 64 megapixelquad pixel sensor what that basicallyrefers to is the four in one pixel binin the hands every time you hit thatshutter buttonso what you don't get is a 64 megapixelres image what you get instead is a 16megimage which hopefully should be brightnice natural colors and certainly so farlooking pretty goodmotorola's a camera ui generally quiteeasy to get on with especially if you'retrying to do a bit one-handed usebecause everything tends to be watcheddown towards the bottom end of thescreen and you've got all those usual aismarts on board the moto g100as well so if you scroll on down you'llcome across the laws so you've got thelikes of the gesture yourselfyou've got the smart composition whichis quite handy this can just help tocrop into any shots andstraighten them up if they're a bitwonky and this can also tell you if itreckons it's a good idea to swap to adifferent camera mode of whichthere are many as you can see there youcan actually shoot at 64megapixel the ultra high resolution modeif the lightning conditions on to cacgot the usual brilliant spot color modewhich can just highlight one particularcolor and turn everything else black andwhitegot a dedicated night board for thoselow light shots you got full procontrols as well if you want to manuallytweak a whole bunch of stuffand yet there are alternative lensesavailable as well including an ultrawide anglelens this is a 16 megapixel sensorhopefully it won'tbulk the uh the colors and everythingtoo badly certainly offers up lessdetailed shots as with most ultra wideangle lensesand with this you've also got a good bitof macro vision action if you want toget inreally really close to your subject andas you can see there this offers up aringflash uh feature as well which justhelps to keep your subject well let evenwhen you're getting really close andblock all the lightyou've also got a depth sensor for yourportrait shots as well as a time offlight lensand if you want to shoot a good bit ofwhole movie action well as you can seethere it's stuck at full hd resolutionby default but you can bump that up to4k at either 30 or 60 frames per secondotherwise if you really want to jump upin resolution you can get it all the wayup to 6k levelalthough you are stuck at 30 fps thenand last up that front facingdual selfie cam setup you've actuallygot a 16 megapixelprimary sensor which shoots again it's aquad pixel effect sort of churn outfour megapixel selfie snaps otherwiseyou can swap to that ultra wide angle ifit's an eight megapixel sensoruh so that'll just obviously as you cansee they're fitting quite a bit moreinto the frameyou got the usual shenanigans on herelike a beauty mode which makes melook like i haven't just spent the lastseveral weeks stuck away in a darkenedstudioand all the usual portrait board actionas well you can actuallyincrease or decrease the bucky effectlook at how happy i lookuh until you look at the eyes and thenyou can see it's just puredeath behind there okay so let's checkout one of the more unique features hereon the moto g100 and that is the bundleddock now this comes in three pieces uhyou do have a reasonably bit ofinstructionsaction but i fancy my chances of puttingthis together uh without referring tothe manualand do i have to force it oh that didn'tsound good uhand there you have one already madeready for moto g100 dockthen all you need is one ready forcable this as you can see is just yourstandard type c usb to hdmi cable andthen what you'll need to do is plug thetype c end intothe back of the dock like so and thenbung the other end into any spare hdmiport in your projector your monitor yourtv whatever you're going to be usingand as you'd expect with motorola dokkenwas a nicesimple stress-free painless procedure iconnected my dock to my tvvia hdmi slapped the moto g100 into thatdock and within seconds it was basicallyready to rockyou can load up a basic desktop similarto what you get with samsungdex where you've got access to all ofyour apps you can play around in a mediacenter which gives you fast accessto the likes of youtube and otherstreaming services this would be a mucheasier setup of course if you have amouse and a keyboard connected to yourdisplay or tv or whatever you're hookedup toor alternatively you can use the g100 asa kind of makeshift trackpad which iskind of awkward butthat's not how it's designed to be usedbut it's certainly a good setup if youwant to turnjust a dumb display into a smart screenwith full internet connectivityyou can get gaming on your mobile gameslike that gentian impacton the big screen again which wouldcertainly help out or alternatively ifyou want to enjoyuncle spurs big baldy bounce on amassive display welljob done so that right though in anutshell is the motorola motorg100 smartphone quite a funky g serieshandset that's for sureso the a massive performance boost overa lot of the rest of the g series and ofcourse you've got that fulldock functionality as well i can seesome people being sold on that dockfunctionality but otherwise the walletg100 does have very stiff competitionfrom the likes of the poko f3 which ofcourse boasts similarly strongperformance but also a gorgeous amoleddisplay and a designthat isn't quite as plasticky as wellbut it'd be great to hear your personalthoughts on the mortalg100 thanks for watching to the very endof this incrediblylong unboxing torrent setup it's uh it'sdefinitely very much appreciated and formore the latest greatest deck please dopoke subscribeand ding that notifications bell andhave yourselves a fantastic rest of theweek cheersforeign