Huawei Freebuds 4i Price in Pakistan
Huawei Freebuds 4i Price in Pakistan
Huawei FreeBuds Rs. 19,999
now if you're after a solid pair of truewireless earbuds with really good activenoise cancellation then i highlyrecommend the huawei free buds pro whichi reviewedlast year however they are still wellover 100 quid so if your budget is a bittighter maybe check out the fresh newhuawei free buds 4iinstead here in the uk the freebuds 4iwill be available from march26th and the asking price is just 80quid so a significant drop over thoseprosdespite the fact they've got a lot ofthe same premium features including thatactive noise cancellation but are theyactually any good well here's my fullhuawei free buds 4i true wirelessearbudsor this reviews honey red version whichis actually going to be availableslightly later. than the white and blackmodels around sort of mid apriland i was at 100 hang on for the honeyred because i amabsolutely in love with this color evenif the case does kind of resemble aslightly squashed baby bellnow each bird is super light at just 5.5grams and of course you've got thatlovely silicone tip just like the freebuds proso super comfortable to wear even forhours at a timeyou're three different sizes of siliconetip per bud so hopefully you won't haveany stress finding a size that fits yourown ear orificesperfectly i found the default size wasabsolutely fine for mine andonce they're lodged in there they steerlodged in there as well so you canabsolutelymosh up a storm and the 3 buds 4i aredefinitely one of the mostmetal earbuds around in this honey redcolour because it basically looks likeyou're gushing blood out of your skullnow unfortunately there's no official ipwritten for water resistance with huawei3 buds4i but touchwood they seem to be allright even when they get quitedamp as i discovered when i found myselfgetting caught in those freak rainstormsthat the uk seems to be absolutelyadoring at the momentso big thanks mother nature for thosetesting opportunitiesyou prick now it's bluetooth 5.2connectivity here on the free buds for ihad absolutely no issuespairing up with a variety of differentsmartphones uh all you gotta do is flipthe lid press this little buttonon the side of the case and it'll enterpairing more than just going tobluetooth menuon your phone bob's your uncle and thatconnection stayed strong and stable wheni was out and about obviously i haven'thad a chance to. probably stress testthem by heading to a busy areabecause you're kind of supposed to avoidbusy areas at the moment but you knowotherwise fineunfortunately there's no auto portsfeature when you yank out one or both ofthe buds or whatever you're listening tobe it podcast audio book or whateverwe'll continue streaming which isslightly annoying it's always nice tohave that feature but thankfully you doget touch controls here on the huaweifreebirds 4i these are very basic touchcontrols however the touch responsivearea is just up at the very top of thestem herewhat you can do is you can double tap inorder to play your music you can doubletap againin order to pause your music or you canalso long press in order to cyclebetween the e and cmodes and the awareness modes there's nosingle tap functionalitywhich i think is good becauseoccasionally you know if you're justlike adjusting the.. butter youaccidentally brush themyou don't want your music to be you knowpausing or skipping or anything likethat i thought these controls were superintuitive it's very very rare for me todouble tap and for nothing to happenfor instance almost always worksunfortunately not the most responsivegenerally you will have to double tapand then wait a second or so for yourmusic to actually pause butit's not terrible but of course comparedwith some true honesty buzz these arequite limitedcontrols there's no option for changingthe volume by you know stroking thatstemthere's no way of skipping a track oranything so if you want to do somethinglike thatyou will have to whip out the old fellaand by old fellow i mean your smartphonesorry i don't know why i called it thatyou should at least have the option ofbeing able to slightly customize thesecontrols uh once the buds go on salebecause they will be supported bythe huawei ai life app which you grabfrom the likes of the google play storeunfortunately they're not supported bythe app right now because they're notofficially out therenow the best thing about the huawei freebuds 4i true wireless earbuds by faris that active noise cancellation i havenot heard better enccertainly on the true wireless earbudfor under a hundred quid it appears touse the exact same tech as the huaweifree buds pro which are of courseconsiderably more expensive as onceyou've got them lodged in there as longas you've got a decent seal on the goturn on that in so you'll be able towalk down a busy high street withcars and lorries and buses roaring pastyou and quite happily listen to apodcast to an audiobook withoutto bump the volume all the way up veryimpressive indeed certainly for a pairof true wireless earbuds andno issues with a wind as well even ifit's quite a breezy day sometimes theanc can give you this sort of likedistorted effect but certainly had noneof that with the free buds foreye and then if you want to be aware ofyour surroundings then of course you.. canjust switch to awareness mode wherethose external mics will start pumpinginall of the noise going on all around youuh just so you know what's going on incase you know crossing a busy road youwant to have a conversation with someoneyou're too lazy to pull out the budssomething like thatas far as the actual audio quality goeswell the three buds for i rock at 10 mildrivers with the usual fine tuningbehind the scenes and certainly bassfans will not be particularly impressedby the three buds 4i you don't get thesame incredible clarity they get withsomething like the free buds probut certainly for a sub 100 pair of truewireless airbus the audio quality isabsolutely fineyou know as long as you're not an audiosnob and you want to hear you know allof those fine little details andeverything these will do the job formost genres of music quite happily andcertainly vocals come throughnice and cleanly as well for the likesof podcasts and audio box and when youcrank the volumeall the way up there's no distortion andthat noise reduction tech comes in quitehandy for phone calls as well certainlywhen i was uh making calls using thethree buds for eyeother person's voice was nice and clearapparently my voice was clear and thebackground noise wasuh reduced while i was speaking once istopped speaking then the backgroundnoise was quitefull on but at least when you arespeaking it does seem to reduce thebackground rumbleso your words come through nice andclear and one big advantage that thefreebirds 4iactually offer over those more expensivepros is their superior battery life youget around sort of nineish hours with the anc knocked off butif you do have the nc on you'll stillget a very strong sort of seven ishhourson a single charge certainly great newseven if you're going to be taking afairly long wholeflight at some point in the futurethat's certainly very good for a pair oftrue wireless earbuds especially onesthat are quite dinkyare like these and then of course oncethey are depleted or when you're justdonelistening to whatever you're listeningto just shove them back in that carrycase which as i sayslightly resembles a tasty pocket snackthat somebody has sat on a bitunfortunately that charging case couldonly fully rechargethe buds one time uh before you need toactually power up the case againas well so that's not ideal if you aregoing away for a long trip you're gonnahave to you know probably recharge itagain at some point and there's nosupport for qi wireless charging as wellso if your phone does support reversewireless chargingyou might want to consider maybe uppingyour budget to the pros if possible butoverall gotta say for 80 quidvery much impressed by the free bud 4ias long as as i say you're not an audiosub you're expecting the verybest sort of audio quality the batterylife is fantastic the ancis brilliant uh and that honey reds loveitso that's my thoughts and it would begreat to hear from you guys as welluh are you tempted by the freebiz 4ihave you been using the freebuds pro orany otherhuawei earbuds or what are your ownfavorite true wireless earbudsright now as well because there are sobloody many of them uh yeahlots of choice out there and now i'mjust kind of banging on a bit so i'lljust end by saying please do pokesubscribe and doing that notificationsbell for more on the latestand greatest tech and have yourselves abloody fine rest of the weekyeah that's it cheers everyone love you