2021 Ultimate Charging Speed Test: OnePlus 65W vs iPhone, Galaxy, ROG


2021 Ultimate Charging Speed Test: OnePlus 65W vs iPhone, Galaxy, ROG


  • there is a hidden race in the smartphone
  • market about which phone can charge the
  • fastest
  • and while apple and samsung are removing
  • chargers from the boxes with iphones and
  • galaxy phones
  • other phone makers from china not only
  • still include the charger
  • but these chargers are fast enough to
  • charge even a laptop
  • hello guys my name is vic with phone
  • arena and we have
  • eight of the most exciting new phones
  • around
  • with the brand new oneplus 9 series at
  • the very front with their super fast
  • 65 watt charger included in the box for
  • free
  • and we were curious how fast they charge
  • so here are the phones in this charging
  • competition
  • the oneplus 9 pro the oneplus 9 both
  • coming with the same size
  • 4 500 milliamp hour batteries and 65
  • watt charger
  • then we have the oppo find x3 pro made
  • by the same parent company as oneplus
  • same size battery and charger then the
  • iphone 12 pro max with the smallest size
  • battery at just around 3 700 milliamp
  • hours
  • and the 20 watt apple charger that you
  • have to buy separately
  • then you have the s21 ultra with a large
  • 5000mah battery cell
  • and support for 25 watt charger that you
  • also have to buy separately
  • then you have the compact pixel 5 with a
  • 4 000 milliamp hour battery
  • and the least capable 18 watt charger
  • that comes in the box and then the
  • xiaomi mi 11 with a 55 watt charger
  • and the asus rogue phone 5 which comes
  • with a gigantic
  • 6000 milliamp hour battery inside and
  • a massive 65 watt charger that was a
  • mouthful
  • these are all the specs on your screens
  • all phones are fully depleted
  • no charge left and we have plugged them
  • all in
  • and they are ready to go just as we
  • press the start button on the timer
  • we will flip the switch and the phones
  • will start charging in
  • three two one
  • let's go and you can see that all phones
  • have started charging
  • and we wait for a few minutes so we'll
  • turn off the screen but all phones will
  • be turned on we'll be running as the
  • test continues
  • and we'll come back to check up on the
  • charging in 15 minutes
  • fast forward 15 minutes by the way we
  • have a timer in the corner so you can
  • see that 15 minutes into the test the
  • oneplus 9 pro and oneplus 9 are at 62
  • the find x3 pro is at 63 the iphone has
  • just 26 percent of charge the same for
  • the galaxy
  • 26 on the charge meter the pixel does
  • worse so far with just
  • 23 of charge the xiaomi mi 11 has 36
  • a decent score and the rog phone 5 has
  • 39
  • of charge so right from the get go you
  • see a massive difference in favor of
  • oneplus
  • it's just incredible how you can get
  • two-thirds of battery charge
  • in just 15 minutes truly incredible
  • by the way subscribing to our channel is
  • like super charging for your phone
  • you get new videos faster so it's
  • definitely highly recommended
  • anyway let's leave these phones charging
  • fast forward time and 30 minutes
  • after the beginning of the test let's do
  • another checkup
  • and my oh my the oneplus 9 pro
  • the oneplus 9 the apple find x3 pro
  • all of these phones are fully charged in
  • just half an hour
  • the iphone meanwhile has 50 percent of
  • charge the s21 ultra a bit more is 53
  • the pixel 5 remains last with just 45
  • percent of charge
  • and then the xiaomi mi 11 has 71 percent
  • and the rog phone 5 has 68
  • this is just mind-boggling what we just
  • witnessed you got to love
  • what oneplus and oppo are doing with
  • that charging
  • and keep in mind that we haven't seen
  • evidence that this will affect the
  • health of the battery over the long term
  • either
  • in any significant way so let's flip the
  • phones that are done and
  • let's fast forward time again this time
  • 45 minutes since the beginning
  • and we have the following the iphone is
  • now at 72 percent
  • the galaxy s21 ultra is a bit ahead at
  • 77
  • the pixel is still last at just 65.
  • the xiaomi however is nearly done with
  • 95
  • on the charge meter and the rog phone is
  • doing pretty good at
  • 87 so far so good
  • let's keep on going and keep a watchful
  • eye for the xiaomi mi 11
  • and just like that the mi 11 also
  • reaches a full hundred percent charge
  • 53 minutes since the beginning of the
  • test not a bad score at all
  • so good job xiaomi not quite as fast as
  • oneplus but still
  • pretty amazing and our next check
  • happens exactly one hour after the start
  • of the test and we have the following
  • the iphone 12 at 84 the galaxy is
  • approaching a full charge at
  • 93 the pixel is now almost on par with
  • the iphone at 82 percent
  • and wow look at that the asus with its 6
  • 000 milliamp hour battery is fully
  • charged in exactly one hour
  • that is great for such a massive battery
  • and gamers will be really happy with
  • this phone
  • okay next up one hour and ten minutes
  • since the test
  • started the galaxy s21 ultra is finally
  • done
  • keep in mind though that if you're using
  • your phone while charging
  • the actual speed actually here drops
  • significantly
  • and it may charge in twice that time
  • that's an important disclaimer
  • so this right now after the galaxy
  • leases with
  • just two phones that will linger on for
  • quite a while
  • longer this is getting too exhausting
  • but
  • one hour and a half into the test the
  • pixel 5 has now outpaced the iphone with
  • 99
  • almost done the iphone has 97.
  • unfortunately it's these last percentage
  • points that
  • take quite a long while finally the
  • pixel 5 is done it charges fully in 1
  • hour 34 minutes
  • which is far slower than the new
  • competition on the block
  • and we really wish google stepped it up
  • with at least a 25 watt or why not a 30
  • watt charger
  • that would give users a full charge much
  • faster the iphone takes even longer and
  • it finishes this test dead last with a
  • full charge
  • that takes an exhausting one hour and 50
  • minutes
  • and that is with the fastest 20 watt
  • charger that you
  • have to buy separately this is not
  • really a great score and
  • apple should really step up its fast
  • charging game
  • it's 20 21 after all so let's recap the
  • results and
  • take a look at what happened once again
  • in this chart the oneplus and opa phones
  • charger fully in just about half an hour
  • then the xiaomi mi 11 is next in line
  • the asus rogue phone
  • rog phone despite having a gigantic
  • battery finishes in an hour and you know
  • the rest of the story
  • so what are the conclusions well
  • obviously
  • samsung apple and google are the sore
  • losers here but mostly apple
  • so let me just explain why this fast
  • charging
  • is a big deal having super fast charge
  • simply means that you don't have to
  • worry about
  • charging your phone overnight and if you
  • own one of these latest oneplus or apple
  • phones you can just stop it up for 20
  • minutes in your lunch break
  • and have enough juice for the whole day
  • that's a huge convenience
  • and it's also great for travels whenever
  • that happens
  • a quick top up and you will be on your
  • way by the way oneplus has also given us
  • this year bad boy a 50 watt wireless
  • fast charger that juices up the phones
  • in just
  • 43 minutes that is faster than the wire
  • charge
  • on most phones it's actually twice as
  • fast as the charging on the iphone
  • this is just super cool it's also
  • conveniently a stand so it's perfect as
  • a desk companion and it has two coils so
  • you can place the phone vertically or
  • horizontally
  • this is definitely next-gen wireless
  • charging and
  • unlike some other fruit company it won't
  • cost hundreds of dollars
  • seriously we can live without the
  • magnets apple no need to ask a fortune
  • for a wireless charger
  • so we see that other phone makers like
  • xiaomi also offer fast charging speeds
  • and we're happy to see fast charging on
  • the rog phone 5 which happens to have a
  • gigantic battery and still charge to
  • nearly 70 in just half an hour
  • as always we're least impressed with
  • apple and google which are way behind
  • with comparatively super slow charging
  • speeds
  • and there you have it there's really one
  • company that really needs to step up its
  • charging game
  • and one other company that shows the way
  • forward
  • and i guess you know which i'm referring
  • to anyway that's been fun
  • let me know if fast charging is
  • important to you and have you ever
  • noticed any
  • negatives with having such super fast
  • charging
  • also hit that subscribe button if you
  • enjoyed this video my name is vic
  • this is phone arena and i will talk to
  • you in the next one

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