Vivo X60 Pro Plus - Camera Like No Other...


Vivo X60 Pro Plus - Camera Like No Other...

  • yes ladies and gentlemen that is a real
  • gimbal
  • inside of a smartphone today we are
  • checking out the latest from vivo
  • this is the pro and the x60 pro
  • plus developed in collaboration with
  • zeiss the legendary camera and lens
  • company
  • they've collaborated to actually bring
  • zeiss
  • t-star coating which is typically
  • reserved for
  • far bigger glass and they brought it to
  • a smartphone
  • which is quite impressive so the first
  • one we're getting into here is
  • the pro plus model so as usual and
  • whenever possible
  • we try to get a couple extra devices for
  • you guys for giveaway and that is the
  • case here with the x60 pro and pro plus
  • we've got one of each to give away so
  • make sure to hit the subscribe button
  • and then check the description of this
  • video
  • full details good luck also in the
  • package
  • you will find a wired headset with an
  • adapter to usb type c
  • if you want to use that this texture is
  • quite unique it should help to resist
  • fingerprints considering the fact that
  • it's a matte finish
  • and it's a leather like touch they're
  • calling it vegan leather and they're
  • calling the color
  • emperor blue there's also a case in the
  • package to get you up and running which
  • is kind of nice little bonus
  • and of course a usb type-c cable is in
  • there as well
  • this is the standard pro model x60 pro
  • and this one has quite a different
  • finish on it it's a little bit more
  • slick kind of more like what you're
  • seeing from some other stuff
  • at the moment with this gradient rainbow
  • effect
  • on the back however it has a matte
  • finish so it should also
  • do a decent job resisting fingerprints
  • however
  • i must say i'm partial to that vegan
  • leather texture
  • or any texture that's different from
  • other stuff that's on the market
  • or that you see frequently however
  • they're both capable devices packing
  • snapdragon hardware
  • on the pro plus you're looking at the
  • triple eight so full flagship status
  • and on the regular pro you're looking at
  • the snapdragon 870 both of them have 12
  • gigs of ram
  • both of them have 256 storage as far as
  • charging is concerned
  • on the standard pro you're looking at 33
  • watts for the flash charge compared
  • to 55 let's take a closer look at these
  • so how about that emperor blue and this
  • camera module that zeiss logo is looking
  • good on there especially with the t-star
  • indication next to it
  • it's kind of nice on a flagship device
  • this has a i don't know
  • an executive feel to it with that
  • texture on there
  • appreciate it looking around the outside
  • you're going to notice
  • all the usual ports and buttons i like
  • the textured feel
  • on the power switch so you can tell the
  • difference between it and the volume
  • rocker
  • of course you got your type c and your
  • speaker unit down at the bottom
  • this camera module straight lines as i
  • said very
  • executive feeling to me now the camera
  • units are a bit different
  • obviously you can see between the pro
  • plus and the pro
  • pro plus all the way at the top of the
  • food chain
  • as far as vivo's concerned and then the
  • standard pro coming just below it
  • as far as these cameras go 50 megapixel
  • main
  • on the pro plus up to 100 megapixels in
  • the special mode
  • on the regular pro you're looking at 48
  • megapixels on the main
  • a 13 megapixel ultra wide and a 13
  • megapixel portrait
  • the ultra wide on the pro plus that's 48
  • megapixels
  • and that one has the gimbal camera
  • what they're calling gimbal
  • stabilization 2.0 and that's what you're
  • seeing in the video footage there
  • you can actually bring this overlay onto
  • the screen to see the work that the
  • gimbal is doing to compensate
  • for your various shakes and things that
  • your hands do
  • now when you see this in real life when
  • you're shooting a video and you watch
  • that
  • ultra steady compensation it's like a
  • steadicam
  • except it's in your phone it is so
  • smooth like butter
  • it's actually quite fun to use and it
  • doesn't just apply to shakes but also
  • turns and abrupt movements it will
  • smooth those things
  • out how about this for a subject
  • for some video content once again the
  • titan turbo s makes an appearance
  • and of course since we're packing the
  • triple eight that's the snapdragon
  • inside
  • of the pro plus model we can shoot up to
  • 8k video
  • and you gotta have a little bit of
  • slo-mo in there as well
  • all right let's check out the camera
  • versatility here you can see this is
  • your ultra wide
  • .6x move into 1x
  • let's go a little bit closer 2x all
  • right 5x we'll take it
  • now here's that high resolution mode i
  • mentioned earlier 100 megapixels
  • 400 times crop right there yeah there's
  • a few pixels to go around
  • now you also have hybrid zoom in there
  • you want to get crazy up to 60x i
  • believe yeah look at that
  • oh wow
  • front-facing camera it's a hole punch
  • style in the center and you know we had
  • to run it back to the beard test for you
  • i believe you can see individual hairs
  • there
  • now as far as the display goes oh you
  • best believe you're talking about
  • 120 hertz with a 240 hertz response rate
  • 6.56 inches fhd plus
  • and it does have a little bit of a wrap
  • around the edge to it as well
  • now you already know what this 120 hertz
  • means for you
  • you can lock it in if you just love that
  • real snappy feel
  • you can toggle it back to 60 to save a
  • little bit battery life or you can go to
  • smart switch which will aim
  • to determine which is the best refresh
  • rate depending on what you're doing
  • this can dynamically adjust and could be
  • the best of both worlds
  • rounding out the specifications here the
  • pro plus model
  • is 191 grams so it's actually a little
  • bit bigger
  • than the standard pro standard pro
  • coming in
  • at 177 grams
  • now you guys know i love quick charge
  • tech and i'm always on the lookout for
  • the fresh animation coming from
  • different brands and you just
  • caught the one that vivo's doing just a
  • little tiny electrification at the
  • bottom there
  • looks to have a pretty cool screen to
  • body ratio with a tiny little hole punch
  • on the front for the front-facing camera
  • so there you have it a couple of
  • options for you the pro and pro
  • plus x60 from vivo
  • i told you before my preference is the
  • pro plus model i just love seeing these
  • different textures show up
  • on devices just to mix it up a little
  • bit and i'm a sucker for
  • that leather-like texture i like the
  • grip associated with it and then of
  • course
  • the massive gimbal camera on there
  • there's just something about the look
  • let me know down in the comments which
  • one you would go for would be the x60
  • pro
  • or the x60 pro plus for your chance to
  • win make sure to hit that subscribe
  • button
  • and check the description of the video
  • for full details

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