OnePlus 9 Pro vs Samsung S21 Ultra Camera Test Comparison.
- This phone the galaxy s21 ultra
- is my current camera champion it's well
- ahead of samsung's last phone
- it beat out the iphone 12 pro max but
- now we've got a new contender
- the hasselblad branded camera centric
- oneplus 9 pro
- we've got 12 short categories leading up
- to one winner
- the best phone camera ever so when i
- compared this samsung to the iphone
- a few months ago the simple fact that
- samsung's camera had so many features
- just gave it a slightly higher starting
- point but
- that's not the case here for almost
- every interesting thing that samsung can
- do
- like hyperlapses or portrait mode video
- oneplus can do them too
- sometimes better so in terms of software
- features
- they're pretty neck and neck but the
- secret source of what makes samsung's
- camera so fun
- is that it's not just software the
- entire hardware every lens that's picked
- here
- are built around trying to give you
- options like how the ultrawide camera is
- made to double
- as a super close-up macro camera good
- news for one plus fans
- this has that too it's just
- not as good the quality of close-ups is
- comparable as you can probably tell
- but samsung's phone can get like twice
- as close which
- is the entire objective of a macro
- camera this applies to zoom as well
- both can do it the oneplus 9 pro has a
- pretty good 3.3x optical zoom camera
- but the samsung is built to zoom at
- extreme levels
- with both a three times and a 10 time
- zoom camera
- so it shouldn't surprise you that
- samsung can go further
- if you put both phones side by side and
- slowly zoom in then
- as soon as you pass 10 times and
- samsung's main telephoto camera kicks in
- it's in a completely different league
- yes samsung's footage does start to look
- a bit like a watercolor painting when
- you get to 30x
- but by the time you get to 30x on
- oneplus you can
- count the pixels but i am curious about
- something when you take zoom shots on
- your phone
- how often do you find that you actually
- want to go past 10 times
- like i'd imagine if i had to guess that
- the majority of people when they're
- zooming in
- they'd probably go closer to 5x 6x or 7x
- but yeah i mean the samsung still looks
- better
- it takes better selfies too there is an
- element of personal preference here but
- i can't help but feel like oneplus is
- inventing colors that weren't
- there and even selfie video for some
- bizarre reason
- the oneplus 9 pro maxes out at 1080p of
- pretty mixed quality footage on the
- front camera which means that
- if all you wanted it for was instagram
- it's it's serviceable
- but it straightaway means that unless 4k
- gets added in a software update
- i pretty much can't recommend this phone
- to anyone who's planning on doing any
- kind of vlogging
- if you're buying a flagship phone now in
- 2021 you'll probably be using it till
- 2024 and i think by then 1080p footage
- is gonna
- it's gonna feel like a relic and this is
- an audio
- test so right now you're listening to
- the oneplus microphone
- this is what that sounds like and now
- you're listening to the samsung
- they're both very good to be honest i
- don't think i don't think the
- microphones on any one of these phones
- is a reason to pick one over the other
- okay this is oneplus big chance to come
- back general photography
- in all of the teasers and promotional
- material for this phone the overarching
- message was this
- we heard you didn't like our past
- cameras we fixed them
- oh and
- did we tell you that we partnered up
- with hasselblad
- so so far we've looked a zoom we've
- looked at selfies and
- a couple of other things but the only
- two cameras that hasselblad has had any
- involvement
- in are the main two cameras the wide and
- the ultrawide
- so given that hasselblad is almost
- regarded as an authority on photography
- are they any good well when i first
- started pulling up side by sides of
- these two phones
- i had a couple of moments of wait have i
- just pulled open the same photo twice
- both phones are stylistically aiming for
- the same kind of finish
- but then i started noticing things first
- of all oneplus tends to crush darker
- areas
- like if you look at my trousers in this
- shot here it almost looks like someone's
- just doodled a black silhouette on top
- it's not always a bad thing to
- underexpose subjects but
- more often than not when you put the
- oneplus in a challenging situation
- its photos just look a little bit too
- dark yes
- i realize i'm basically having a wedding
- photo shoot for one but
- hey if i'm having 200 photos taken i
- might as well look good in them
- and if you are enjoying this video then
- a sub to the channel would be
- smooth secondly oneplus adds a lot of
- sharpening you notice it a lot in
- backgrounds while samsung is perfectly
- happy to let
- trees behind you sort of blur away a
- little bit
- oneplus wants to keep everything in the
- frame sharp mind you
- it's not necessarily a bad thing this
- extra sharpness i think it does come in
- handy when you're in those lower light
- indoor situations
- where a photo starts to look a little
- soft otherwise and
- to oneplus credit this is a much faster
- camera when you tap that shutter button
- you're literally capturing a photo in
- half the time
- and it almost makes us feel like i'm
- using two phones from different weight
- classes
- a middleweight versus a heavyweight the
- main problem though that i'm having with
- this oneplus camera
- is that i can't trust it like
- this is me trying to very literally
- monkey around
- and in all three shots while the samsung
- retains a fairly consistent look
- the oneplus just completely flips the
- way the image comes out depending on
- where you're standing
- it's better than their past phones but
- it's still not quite at a stage where i
- can just snap a photo
- and be confident in the fact that it's
- come out okay and
- this applies to the ultrawide camera too
- it's fairly accepted that as you move
- between different camera lenses
- you're going to experience some color
- shift but this is an enormous shift
- especially for a phone that's branded as
- being calibrated to an exact color
- science
- also oneplus did talk a fair bit about
- how their new ultrawide
- removes distortion around the edges but
- honestly compared to the samsung they're
- pretty comparable these are both good
- cameras for photos
- but if someone said to me that i could
- only use one phone for photos for the
- rest of my life
- it would be the samsung and at the risk
- of this sounding like
- oneplus has just showed up to the wrong
- tournament this applies to portrait mode
- too
- like this photo here was our third
- attempt on the oneplus
- it took two other photos that looked
- more like this before we got to that
- and oneplus edge detection is almost
- always worse or here
- not only does oneplus color profile
- shift yet again between
- shots but on one of them it just decided
- that i was meant to be the background
- ouch to be clear i'm not saying that
- samsung is particularly good at portrait
- mode
- it's actually one of this phone's main
- weaknesses too it's just that
- i'm finding that the oneplus is even
- less consistent however
- there's one thing that that we've got to
- give it it's the fact that
- because it's capturing faster its
- portraits are much more likely to be
- crisp
- even if they do have more irregularities
- it still blows my mind though that we've
- got two phones here
- which both have telephoto cameras and
- yet for portrait mode they insist on
- using the main camera
- and then digitally zooming in
- we'll call this category a draw before
- we can crown either of these king
- we've got to talk about video and you
- actually find that a lot of the traits
- we saw with photos
- kind of come through here both very
- capable
- but even though oneplus has a bunch of
- new features like dole hdr
- it still crushes the darker areas and
- sometimes overexposes the brighter areas
- it's not that oneplus is doing a bad job
- this phone would hold its own in video
- against most 2021 smartphones
- but it's just that right now we're
- comparing it against what's probably the
- second best phone camera for video
- apart from the iphone and at that level
- it is behind
- it doesn't seem to focus quite as well
- like in this situation we were trying to
- set up a shot
- and it took like a full minute to get
- the oneplus to actually lock focus on it
- whereas it was done within five seconds
- on the samsung and whilst with the
- samsung you can use your telephoto
- cameras
- to take video so you can record it three
- times zoom and ten times zoom
- at 4k oneplus doesn't let you which
- means that as soon as you apply even
- minor levels of zoom in video
- it looks bad it does have one
- interesting feature though when you get
- to low light you can turn on something
- called
- nightscape video which does mean
- brighter cleaner nighttime footage
- but i'm a little torn about it on one
- hand it can make things look prettier
- but on the other hand it seems to make
- the camera very averse to motion
- which can make the footage look a little
- jumpy and
- you see the same traits echoing in slow
- motion too
- it looks like oneplus is almost trying
- to compensate for the lack of resolution
- by dialing up the contrast but again
- it's crushing the blacks
- if samsung does take this a little
- further it gives you the option to
- record short bursts of super slow-mo
- but to be honest given that we're now in
- 2021 and
- given that this feature hasn't
- dramatically improved in quality since
- the galaxy s9
- it's starting to look a little rough i'm
- sure with the power of this phone that
- 1080p footage at that frame rate is
- possible it just
- it feels like they don't care about
- slow-mo anymore
- anyways two final things one
- they're both stable phones i tried
- walking while both phones were following
- me
- and i even tried lagging it apologies to
- the bride
- but both phones seem to be similarly
- affected by motion
- and two you might be wondering is there
- anything that the oneplus actually wins
- at
- well yes there is and it's probably my
- favorite category
- nighttime photos there's just something
- very satisfying about seeing a really
- dark grainy scene
- and then watching as your phone slowly
- pieces it together into something bright
- and cohesive
- samsung goes for extreme smoothness like
- it's trying to make sure there's not a
- single bit of grain in sight
- but the result of that is that you do
- lose texture on objects and so
- oneplus overtakes it in detail at night
- plus i think the cooler tones
- on both the main camera and the
- ultrawide as well as the phone's ability
- to
- better control the bright spots lends
- its photos a cleaner look
- but this is personal preference i think
- samsung's photos look more accurate
- but i think oneplus is look better so on
- one hand
- this has been a bit of a whitewash
- samsung has just beaten oneplus by
- almost every single metric but there's
- something we need to bear in mind
- that yes whilst the oneplus 9 pro is the
- highest end phone that oneplus makes
- it's still significantly cheaper than
- the highest end phone that samsung makes
- and so even though there's very little
- that i could point to and say that oh
- oneplus does this better
- there is some credit to be had in the
- fact that in a lot of situations it is
- as good
- or not much worse so the message to take
- away from this video is that a
- the galaxy s21 ultra still definitely
- has the throne
- but also that b the oneplus 9 pro is not
- a bad camera system
- it's just it's about what you would
- expect for its price
- if samsung was an a plus then this would
- be a b plus
- maybe even an a minus and so for the
- sake of a 200
- gap that might be worth it for you
- okay thank you so much for watching i'm
- trying to improve on this whole camera
- comparison concept
- let me know if it worked my name is
- aaron this is mr who's the boss and i'll
- catch you in the next one
- you