OnePlus 9 Review :Mobile Specification

 OnePlus 9 Review:Mobile Specification

  • So this is the oneplus 9.
  • how do i describe this phone this this
  • feels like the phone that oneplus felt
  • like they
  • had to make you know they're super into
  • they're very hyped
  • very expensive flagship phone but they
  • can't only make
  • a hyped expensive flagship phone so this
  • video goes hand in hand with my
  • 9 pro review my last upload so if you
  • haven't seen that
  • this video is the is the cherry on top
  • of that
  • sunday the 20 minute detailed
  • hasselblad deep dive software oriented
  • sunday
  • this one goes in addition to that so if
  • you haven't watched it already
  • i'll link it below the like button but
  • this phone this phone
  • i think could have been an awesome deal
  • but it's it's actually kind of
  • frustrating how close it gets so if you
  • can look past all the hype
  • around the oneplus 9 pro and just look
  • at it as a phone i actually think they
  • did what they were trying to do they
  • made a flagship with the full checklist
  • of flagship features
  • high-end specs pretty nice build fast
  • charging
  • an improved camera and all of that for
  • less than
  • something like an s21 ultra or any of
  • the other thousand
  • eleven hundred dollar phones fine but
  • this phone
  • oneplus 9 729
  • and that's pretty good that's very
  • competitive as far as snapdragon 8
  • phones go that's about as low as we're
  • seeing it at launch
  • and so that's really great that's
  • competitive but watch how the choices
  • start to get a little bit
  • weird from there so the design here the
  • design is
  • i'm gonna say acceptable but pretty
  • generic like it's it's a rounded
  • polycarbonate plastic shell and plastic
  • rails they're shiny of course so they
  • look
  • maybe kind of like metal if you're not
  • paying too much attention but they
  • aren't metal and honestly
  • if i didn't tell you how much this phone
  • cost just by
  • weight and feel in the hand and the
  • materials i feel like you could easily
  • mistake this for
  • actually a much cheaper phone like
  • literally a nord or any
  • other three four hundred dollar glossy
  • plastic phone it would have been nice if
  • they
  • separated themselves in some way from
  • all the other glossy
  • fingerprinty plastic phones that are out
  • there
  • as much as i hate the glastic term
  • samsung's s21 which is mostly plastic
  • is a really good example of this like
  • you never say it actually feels or
  • looks super cheap in the hand you hold
  • it it's decent
  • maybe you'd be more into like a faux
  • leather or something
  • like from the xiaomi mi 11 but also
  • maybe i'm overreacting
  • maybe you're just gonna put it in a case
  • anyway in which case ignore that
  • that's just my two cents now with the
  • specs they still do the oneplus thing
  • here
  • it's the snapdragon triple eight eight
  • or 12 gigs of ram 128 or 256 gigs of
  • storage
  • and a 4 500 milliamp hour battery for
  • those of you who have already seen
  • the 9 pro review you may recognize that
  • as the exact same
  • set of specs as the 9 pro which is of
  • course more expensive
  • so that's where we expect oneplus to be
  • competitive lower prices
  • still keeping high-end specs but there
  • are a couple small cuts so
  • this cheaper version does not have
  • millimeter wave 5g support
  • not a huge deal right now this phone
  • still has the ridiculously fast 65 watt
  • warp charging setup that's been
  • so convenient and it still has wireless
  • charging but just at a standard 15 watts
  • nothing too crazy fine for topping up
  • overnight and makes perfect sense if you
  • weren't going to buy
  • some 70 specialized charger anyway and
  • then for water resistance where
  • sometimes you see cut
  • the t-mobile version does say it's ip68
  • certified maybe just
  • t-mobile decided to pay for that but
  • since they're all built
  • the same i think we can safely assume
  • they're all
  • somewhat dust and water resistant and
  • this phone is just really enjoyable to
  • use
  • mainly because of that display where i
  • think they nailed it for this price
  • it's nearly the same size as the pro
  • 6.55 inches
  • and it's great it's flat at the edges
  • instead of curved over but the bezels
  • are still thin
  • and the display goes right up to the
  • edges it's great for watching videos
  • with this speaker setup too that's just
  • as loud as the nine pro the screen
  • doesn't get
  • quite as bright as the brightest
  • flagships but it's still manageable
  • and it's 1080p 120 hertz
  • so this is a nice screen and you'll
  • notice it's just 120 hertz it's not
  • smart 120 hertz since it's not an ltpo
  • panel
  • they've had slightly weird panels in the
  • past where sometimes you can see
  • off axis yellowing maybe rainbowing but
  • i'm not seeing nearly as much of that
  • here so there's there's no distractions
  • when just
  • watching videos or gaming or whatever
  • you're doing
  • i'm gonna call out this odd fingerprint
  • reader placement every time i see it
  • though
  • i still think it's weird that it's so
  • low on this phone but
  • other than that using this phone
  • flipping through oxygen os with all its
  • animations and multitasking
  • has been super fast thanks to the screen
  • and then there's a camera layout on the
  • back
  • so you can see it's one less camera than
  • the nine pro
  • so this has a different sensor but the
  • same size primary 48 megapixel chip in
  • there
  • it has the exact same ultra wide which
  • is one of the best in any phone
  • and then it drops the telephoto but
  • keeps the 2 megapixel black and white
  • camera
  • why but like i said using this phone
  • overall
  • is still great like this is what oneplus
  • has gotten so good at
  • there's not a single thing missing from
  • this software
  • that's in the nine pro like they've been
  • very willing to tweak oxygen os over the
  • years
  • make it smoother add features most
  • people who aren't coming straight from a
  • more expensive phone
  • will find this perfectly fine it handles
  • multitasking everyday use
  • exactly the same as its 969 dollar
  • brother
  • there's no extra stutters no earlier
  • drops in the ram
  • it even had slightly better battery life
  • in our testing otherwise
  • same deal but of course it's my job to
  • point out the things that aren't quite
  • the same in this phone so you're not
  • surprised when you get them so just so
  • you know
  • the haptics in this phone aren't
  • quite as good they're not as strong
  • they're pretty weak
  • honestly um and they're not quite as
  • tight now they still lean into it
  • in the software so they emphasize the
  • haptics a lot when you drag brightness
  • and volume
  • and a lot of other ui elements in the
  • stock apps like in the clock here
  • it still feels like it's trying to
  • emulate that high-end haptics but it's
  • not as great
  • the alert slider on this phone is also
  • much looser than it was
  • on my pro and you know what maybe it's
  • just this exact phone i got
  • but it's so loose that it's particularly
  • easy to switch it
  • to ring as you pull the phone out of
  • your pocket and then it's not quite the
  • same camera setup as the pro
  • like i said it's the same size main
  • sensor but it's a different 48 megapixel
  • sony sensor for the main camera
  • it still gets the hasselblad branding
  • though and it still looks
  • slightly more natural like this more
  • muted color profile than before
  • so it looks pretty much the same in good
  • lighting
  • and almost has this neutral version of a
  • contrasty pixel-like look
  • but you can't zoom in nearly as far of
  • course without it starting to get soft
  • there is a 2x button here in the
  • viewfinder but that's just a digital
  • punch in
  • and that's about as far as i'd go if i
  • want a good quality photo
  • the ultra wide is amazing like i said
  • honestly it's the best part of this
  • particular camera system this year
  • but then the shutter lag that i talked
  • about from the oneplus 9 pro
  • it's still here there's still this
  • overall weirdly slow camera performance
  • and i'm really hoping that that's
  • something that's fixable through a
  • software update
  • and then let's let's just talk about the
  • two megapixel monochrome camera for
  • those who are wondering why i said i was
  • just going to ignore it in the nine pro
  • review
  • the best case for this extra
  • piece of hardware they've thrown in here
  • according to oneplus is it helps add
  • detail
  • to your black and white photos which
  • number one
  • it's two megapixels how much detail
  • could it possibly be adding to
  • the 48 megapixel sensors black and white
  • photos
  • but also number two just for black and
  • white photos
  • like if i want to take a good black and
  • white photo i don't know about you but i
  • just take a regular photo and then later
  • i just make it black and white i just i
  • just turn the colors down saturation off
  • so this is it's it's basically a useless
  • extra piece of hardware to me look this
  • extra sensor is a waste of money
  • a small amount of money but it's a waste
  • of money and you should have spent that
  • money
  • on something else changed my mind but
  • long story short
  • oneplus 9 is a pretty good phone and
  • it's one that i'll be recommending to
  • certain people
  • but not all you know some phones are
  • just so good overall that you can sort
  • of blanket recommend them to a bunch of
  • people
  • this isn't quite that phone but for
  • people who value the oneplus software
  • experience like the the clean
  • near stock type of look the fast and
  • smooth
  • experience the fast charging that they
  • offer all of that
  • this phone is actually i think sneaky
  • good value like i obviously don't love
  • the design
  • as i said maybe put in a case fine but
  • if you weren't going to buy
  • that extra 70 turbo wireless
  • fast charger and if you're cool with
  • 1080p flat and no telephoto this
  • using the phone experience this software
  • experience
  • is exactly the same to the spec
  • to the speed to the performance it's
  • exactly the same
  • as the phone that costs 240 dollars more
  • whether you believe it deserves to cost
  • that or not
  • that's what makes this actually a pretty
  • good deal now if you compare it to
  • something like the galaxy s 21 which
  • launched at a little higher of a price
  • but now is roughly 700 bucks
  • this is probably what oneplus was
  • looking for this is probably about the
  • comparison they were aiming at
  • and it's kind of a toss-up like for
  • build quality
  • i would give the edge even though
  • they're both plastic i would give the
  • edge to samsung because the camera
  • and the rails are metal and they've got
  • a nicer finish then they're both
  • 120 hertz flat 1080p displays
  • but i would again give the edge to
  • samsung just a little bit for extra
  • brightness then they've got the same ram
  • same storage same snapdragon 8 but i
  • give the edge to one plus for the bigger
  • battery and the faster 65 watt wired
  • charging i think this is a better
  • battery setup and then they're both
  • triple camera systems technically but
  • i'm giving the edge to samsung because
  • there's a real zoom in there and they
  • didn't waste a sensor
  • so and then it's just software how much
  • do you prefer
  • what samsung's doing with theirs versus
  • what oxygen os is doing
  • on oneplus phones i personally would
  • prefer oxygen os
  • and i think i would lean towards this
  • phone over this one but it's going to be
  • about your priority
  • are you about that battery are you about
  • that software
  • are you about that camera it's all about
  • you so there you have it it's the
  • oneplus
  • 9 it's a good phone if you know what
  • you're getting yourself into
  • no doubt cast in a little bit of a
  • shadow by the hype of the oneplus 9 pro
  • but this is worth looking at there you
  • have it thanks for watching

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